22 Weird And Hilarious Design Fails

22 Weird And Hilarious Design Fails

1. “The worst place for an output”

design fails© robinwarior / reddit

2. “This handle blocks me from unlocking the door.”

© KonnBonn23 / reddit

3. “This light switch that’s basically in the shower of our new house”

design fails© Timely-Bumblebee-402 / reddit

4. “An everyday, normal door”

© blackbukra / reddit

5. “Everything is wrong with that bike lane.”

design fails© Only_Refrigerator_51 / reddit

6. “I’m not a native English speaker, but I’m quite sure it makes no sense.”

© escobar-escobar / reddit

7. “The snap band skateboard at a dollar store”

design fails© Oakhold_Cheerios / reddit

8. “This is a virtual guide at a children’s museum.”

© Jmiller13202 / reddit

9. “I don’t know what to say about how terrible this design is.”

design fails© Memer***-3000 / reddit

10. “Up, please!”

© partchman / reddit

11. “Almost…”

design fails© coot32 / reddit

12. “Always ’the on stand right’ when going up an escalator…”

© IDRIS_S786 / reddit

13. “This bike lane with large planters right in the middle, leaving almost no room for cyclists.”

design fails© taramichelly / reddit

14. These traffic lights…

© lukeflobawob / reddit

15. “This tiny toilet”

design fails© Impressive-Grocery89 / reddit

16. “This door missing a cut-out window behind the metal bars”

© Jcaseykcsee / reddit

17. “Half and half radiator…”

design fails© gilly196 / reddit

18. “At least they can’t see your face.”

© EndersGame_Reviewer / reddit

19. “A modern classic — thankfully the front cover wasn’t the same as this.”

design fails© DAZ4518 / reddit

20. “These bathroom mirrors turn shaving into a game of Tetris.”

© EndersGame_Reviewer / reddit

21. “My glasses came with instructions.”

design fails© w***keypicnic / reddit

22. “Have you ever seen such a Pikachu?”

© Abject_Listen_2472 / reddit

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